Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Poem for her 185

Dear Readers,

Her in my sight

Sitting there typing a note to me
I'll get it seconds after she says it
The internet slower than her wink
Pushing the edges of her toes up to table edge
Smiling as I tuck them inside my shirt
Seemingly to hide them from the other diners
The waitress asks if the stack of pancakes is good
The sound of her nodding and chewing and
The pleased look says it all
Fence posts that squeak in the wind
Rails sitting straight and the waitress happy
The tip half our ticket and the smile lasts
All day and till our next visit
To a diner by the fences of a gully
Forged in a wind and stirred by our fires
The days long into our nights
Home at last, Home at last
Till morning calls as we pull out
Together a traveling we go
Train trips and car rides
The boat hears her whispers from long ago
The birds are silent about our day

Happy Birthday 8a8e,


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Poem for her 184

Dear Readers,

Twenty Minutes at the Beach

Sitting there in the surf was a Stone
Though it is really two stones
Only they can't be pulled apart
Several people are seen talking about them
Some try to pull on them
Others take video and pictures
20 whole minutes the people stand
Looking at the rocks as one
Then 2 kids walk up
The girl reaches down at
The same time
The boy reaches down
They each lift a stone up
Smile at each other
And head off toward the parking lot
The scene shimmers
A parking lot and two people
Each holding.........

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, May 29, 2017

Poem for her 183

Dear Readers,

As the last note read this number 2 in the middle set, around the 6 month mark of post but not days. As the posts are a half years worth we still have until July 6th to mark the actual 6 months since I started the series. Some skipped days lots of multiple posts tend to add up oddly. So here goes today's next one.

She said something

Then smiled and wrote more
And then I red it in ink
That read lines and lines of
Non words just thoughts
To remember things by
To by two and then some
Three dressed shorts later
We still have a day
To kiss the night away
Then the flow of time
Picks back up again
Clocks restart
The world starts to
Turn just a bit
And the kiss
Lasts Forever
And Always

Happy Birthday Ba8e,


Poem for her 182

Dear Readers,

Part of a series of posts all about the thoughts about Her and her birthday and things and then a semi daily blog series to show others that She and I have this thing called............lots of stuff......and then more so too. these two posts though mark a full 6 months worth of what were otherwise going to be daily posts, but turned into a bit more intense writing abut life and things I thought about as She and I moved through life together. Recently I had a bunch of videos filming with my new flip phone, which has a better memory capacity than my old one, still a flip phone, but seemingly a bunch better than the other one, though a bit harder for me to use, which might just be the new electronics blues. But with it I took some videos while we were on a trip. And they are some nice bits of memory. In the one I just got finished watching I remind myself about this poem for her number mile mark, and thought I'd post while I was thinking about it all. So here goes Babe.

She is going to say Something

She smiled and repeated the words I said
She made me laugh at the brand of humor she has
It isn't the jaded one, but has a pun inside the jade
It is something to behold and write about
Posted to our notebook scrap book diary paper pages
It is filled with an intensity that only God knows
The depth and breadth of the layers inside it
Touching her smile on the electrons stored in my head
The biochemical pathways that imprint themselves
In layers of sweet nothings floating about her
The personal beings that are not created by me but
Which are able to be sent to cheer her up and
Get drawn on as the art work of our life is drawn
She has a smile that I can't get enough of
And kiss her whenever I can slowly and softly
The next trip we take will be in the summer
And though it was warm this one, it had chilly days too
So next time we will be bringing the Icebergs
Of another storyline I have in the blog
To cool the place off, summer clothes no coats
But more painted nails and smiles in the offing
More intense moments and lots of sweet nothings
Flowing about her as she reads these lines again.

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Poem for her 181

Dear Readers,

Best days

The ones where we only are apart for a few hours
The ones where her gaze is always near by
The ones when she is thinking about me
The ones when I write her and then read it to her
As she sits there smiling because I used the
Last things we did in the verses
The days when I wake to her voice
The days when she smiles for my camera
The days when she eats food I cooked
The days when I eat food she cooked
The days when we are kissing and forget the time
The days I have known her
The days she has been alive
The days when The Lord loved us
So everyday has been the best
Because of Him
And He made her and let her walk into my life

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Poem for her 180

Dear Readers,

White and Read all into candy

Starlight mints and her wrapped up in her shirt today

Things she is laughing about on a video I did of us eating breakfast

Her diary notes that I will red later

Making her smile as I read to her the red note above

Having you all read these notes to her when you do

Singing in the shower and kissing her in our van

Sipping warm but cooling tea from days ago

Getting ready to travel and having her smile at me as she knows I am typing this

Her there on the couch as we like couches

Sighing and having to just breath as we travel some more

Home wherever we are and doing these things over and again

Forever and Always Hugs and kisses and seeing you on the flip side

Happy Birthday Babe,


Friday, May 26, 2017

Poem for her 179

Dear Readers,

She is

Awesome and sitting here writing in our diary
Fingers talking to my ears, and humming a tune
Graham crackers with butter and a coke

Wonderfully made and I like to put the
Tie dyed t-shirt on her and do more artwork on it
Paint her nails with music lyrics

My best friend who sees me in all my faults and
All the days I want to cook for her and see her
Smile and talk about the things we see or don't see

Writing sweet nothings to me and letting her
Imperfections stay on the page even though she is
Hard on herself as she does that too

Singing songs from game shows that we both know
And putting my glasses back down so I can see to
Type these lines for her and you all to read

Happy Birthday Babe


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Poem for her 178

Dear Readers,

Having Heaven

It is on her license plate a few letters that said
Having Heaven not literally but at least when I saw them
The H and the V and the N where there, and then the
Time at the window when I waved at her was
My slice of time 52 mins after Midnight though in this case
Noon and still raining and still Always and Forever
Every second is Always and Forever just a new second of it
Every kiss, every hug, every smile, every sweet nothing
She and I have is Having Heaven for us.
She is dressed in Pink and black, and grey and purple and black
Was in green stripped and had coffee and toast and eggs
Is slowly dressed whenever I can and is slowly cooked for
We have slices of Heaven seconds and days that are longer than
The numbers on a clock face never going any where But always

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 177

Dear Readers,

Fun for Breakfast

There is this dish she likes to eat that was invented by
Some other cooks, then warmed up the second day by me
Then topped with a scrambled egg or two in the first case
Then repeated again today with as much success as the first time
So Fun for breakfast was the title of the Video if I changed it
So much fun with her as I write this with her feet on me
She sits at the other side of the table feet up on my knees
Toes on the inside of my elbows and a smile on her face
I enjoy everything about her and the green Glasses too
The library wants our membership updated soon
Love You Babe will chat with you soon as I hit save

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Poem for her 176

Dear Readers,

Video of Chocolate

She sat there with my hand in hers
She had a piece of chocolate in the other
And my hand was on that one too
We were slowly drawing the tip of the piece
Over a page in our notebook
The word Chocolate she had written there
Right then the smell of the chocolate was in the air
Then as she kept looking on, I turned on the video
Set to record her hand and mine
Then the set goes on and on
She knows what we talked about and knows that all is
Tasty on the notebook pages with other writings from the day
Soothing hands on sore shoulders and chinese noodles
Eggs for later and Graham crackers and butter
Singing and dancing and long long talks
Wine and her in my hands as we grow older and younger
The days are slow and her glow is bright and flows

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Poem for her 175

Dear Readers,

On the way Home

She said she'd pick it up when she got home
I asked her to get some cheese on the way home
We are always Home when we are together
Home is where we are when the two of us are there
Currently that is not in the cabin in the woods
Or the city house but on a short trip off in the wilds
I have her hands in mine, she has her smile on
And we just finished eggs on toast and coffee
Off she went to a meeting and I am composing
The afternoon is already planned at Home
Grilled cheese and a long game of paint by numbers

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, May 22, 2017

Poem for her 174

Dear Readers,


She asked me to write a word down the side of our diary
I wanted the word to be about her and put Awesome
Then wanted the word just a bit more powerful
Then she turned it into words about me
Thinking about the other while thinking about things
Her standing there in red and grey and smiling
Me showing her something I like to eat only to see
Her love it for all the same reasons, and like it even more
Savoring the touch of our hands in each others as we cook
Seeing the same things in the news we read and discuss it
Slowly learning our own dance steps, and sign language
Soft touches in the morning rain and long cuddles
Into the afternoon till dinner is the grilled cheese

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Poem for her 173

Dear Readers,

Green stripped shirt

The couch has a Green stripped shirt laying on it
The shirt had her shoulders in it just a while ago
But the other day it had my shoulders in it too
The shirt is one that we both wear, but I like
Her in it more than me in it, as It looks happier
Shirts have feelings they like people to wear them
This shirt is always happier when she picks it up
When she puts it in her arms and slips it over her body
The shirt wants me to know that it is still there
For her to wear when she comes back in the cabin
So it lays there on the couch and calls her name

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Poem for her 172

Dear Readers,

The Showers

She likes rain when she doesn't have to drive in it
I like rain when I get to cuddle with her, because she isn't driving
I love you she just said, because , well we aren't driving
Now she wants a massage for the achy muscles from the walk
We got back just in time, It rained soon after we got in
Then the soap was up to my elbow washing dishes
Food had been all over the table top in different plates
The wine was still there from the other day about to be gone
The showers of May nice days and long nights

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 171

Dear Readers,

She is Here

Dream girl sitting here glass in hand
Holding my fingers in hers singing a song
Sitting here eating a cracker with cheese
Sipping a wine I picked out of the closet
She is here just sitting there smiling at me
Her body moving to the music thinking thoughts
Of things we are planning, or yesterday's kisses
She has cuddled all morning with me in the dark
As the rain fell outside our window unknown to us
Dream Girl holding my hand on our journey
Through ages long to be drifting in her arms
Want you here to know how much she means to me
So I say again and again I love You Babe
She is here about to hand me our glass of wine
Dream girl in my sight in my arms with a kiss

Happy Birthday Babe,


Friday, May 19, 2017

Poem for her 170

Dear Readers,


She woke earlier than me
But I went to bed later than she
The times were off
Due to us not being in the same place
We tend toward waking about the same time
That morning hungry spot
Then if not in the same pillow pile
We might wake and sleep oddly
This Friday we were not in the same one
But only the morning of
That first kiss Good Morning
Corrected a lot of the sleepy feelings
We'd be arranged on the same pillow pile
Soon as the night rolled back round
Never easy to sleep away from each other
Always great to be back in her arms
Kissing her shoulder and left hand
Singing a tune for me as I pour hot drink
The toast today was nice
Her feel in my hands again bliss
Friday wants to see her kiss

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Poem for her 169

Dear Readers,

The Cloak

It was made for me in the last century
It fits her nicely and she wears it well
I want to bundle her up in it and go places
I want to see her in a castle in it
I want her places we have never gone
See her in the moor light fogs
Black on one side Red on the other
It is old and she is young in my eyes
The mirror is always telling her
I love you, smile, be of good cheer
The cloak is something I wore once
She'll wear it a lot more than me
Warm in the winter chill held close
Long into the cabin days or city house
Held tight in my arms as she wears the Cloak

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 168

Dear Readers,

Pink T-Shirt

Soft in my hand with a saying on it
Soft in my hand as I slip it over
Her head and smile as I see her open her eyes
She looks in the mirror
I have hand drawn a note to it
She smiles when she sees it
She knows I took time to pick the colors
To make the words just stand out
They say things to the reader only she sees
Common enough words, but for her fuller in meaning
First line reads
Write something
Second line reads
Write anything
Soft at my touch the skin under the shirt
Smile on the face of the Girl in the mirror

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Poem for her 167

Dear Readers,


When I see her I want to do so many things
My mind shuts down for a while in overload
She sees me pause while cooking breakfast
Tells me things about her day to be
I stop to get the toast and eggs just right
She smiles calling me a perfectionist
I watch her draw circles in the sand
My mind shuts down for awhile as she stands
I trace the outlines of her hand
I want to say so many things, so I say that
It is all so hard to think when she is close
She looks at me and as our hands mingle
Thoughts are many as the years have gone by
We sit and hands mingle into one hand
She smiles as I say I had a hard time seeing
Which fingers were mine and which hers
We get up from the breakfast table
And just go and spend the day in cuddles

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Poem for her 166

Dear Readers,

Pizza and a Kiss

We don't need Pizza
But we eat it
We have to have a kiss
So we do that a lot
We like to kiss a lot
That first bite of fresh
Out of the oven pizza
Then that first kiss afterwards
Aw blissfully tasty
We made a pizza oven
Out in the side yard
In the porch area
Kisses in the cabin
Kisses in the yard
Kisses in the dark
Kisses before
Kisses during
Kisses after
Pizza making in the woods
Kissing where ever we are
Like just now with Hot mint tea
And earlier at the dance

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 165

Dear Readers,

Dancing in the Afternoon

She was wearing those shoes
I was holding her hands
We held out our arms, and swayed
To just the sound of the room
She smiled, came in close for a kiss
We danced a bit more
Not many twirls just yet
Those would be later
Her dress was light in the sunshine
Her smile makes my day brighter
Her hands fit in mine
Breakfast is several hours away
But we talk about it
Plan the next day
Lazy with drawings and tea
Dancing today in the sunshine
Window still bright
Her resting in my arms
Sleeping at my touch

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, May 15, 2017

Poem for her 164

Dear Readers,


First there was the call
She had to go see someone
Then the long drive
To the place
I liked the shorts
She got that day
She liked the shirt I got
For her to wear
We did a bit of trip taking
Malls are far away
When you live in the woods
In a cabin
When your Item arrives
Store clerks call you

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Poem for her 163

Dear Readers,

Morning Kiss

The sun shone in the window
The birds chirped outside
The bare shoulder was sun lit
Then I kissed her on the sunbeam
Then she stirred
Rolled over a bit
Said something mulled by sleep
I kissed her again
Further over the edge
Of shoulder bare
She rolled further toward
My lips
Then said
What she does in the morning
Or a variation of it
And I kissed her again
And she rolled further
And I found her

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 162

Dear Readers,

The Wine Bottle

Well It was not alone
But it was a wine bottle
Sitting there on the shelf
Looking a bit just like the others
But it was different
Because she picked it up
Then she bought it
Then They enjoyed it
Then the Bottle was put on a table
A candle was stuck in it
And they hand dripped other colored
Candles on it and over it
Till the Wine Bottle
Was just a tall
Candle Holder
For their table
In the Cabin

Happy Birthday Babe


Friday, May 12, 2017

Poem for her 161

Dear Readers,


What to eat on a long trip
Snack cakes and Coke
Oh sorry not that list
Can't be filled not on diet

What to eat on a long trip
Bread and Water
Yes there you go and make that
A double

What to eat on a long trip
Eggs, english muffins, avocado
Butter and olive oil
Better frying pan too

What to eat on a long trip
Tea, coffee, and a Large cup
Lots of her on the couch
Sip the tea Kiss the night away

What to eat on a long trip
Hardly thought of
Just thinking of what the
Girl will be doing when we dance

What to eat on a long trip
Lists by me might be semi blank
Filled in on the spur of the minute
Given to Girl for later

What to eat on a long trip
Her smile
Her smile
Her smile

Feeds me longer than she knows
I hunger not for food for tummy
But feast on her as she sits there
Holding my hands at the table

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Poem for her 160

Dear Readers,


Her skin felt the sparks as my hands
Touch hers, and I draw her left hand up
Kissing it, Not as we had thought but
Still as we thought, just in a Parking lot
Not the doorway of thought plans
Sparks flow when she walks into the area
They fly when I see her in the store
Over there just out of verbal range
But I can see her turn my way
Sparkles go off as her face lights up
I feel the heat rise up just knowing her
The sparks fly when her hand touches mine
The fire of a kiss is not unlike Lightening
The sky fills and the thoughts thunder
Sparks of her are always powerfully felt
I first saw her there and noticed her
Saying Hi, and the electricity ran up
Sparks sizzle over the day long touching
Never ease even when we are apart
Always and Forever there, Present.

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 159

Dear Readers,

Saying Hi

Standing there and seeing each other
Saying Hi and the conversation starts
The story could be in any of the poems
Here you have read of the Glasses of
Blue and Green, and others in the pages
But it all stems from one day
Hi was said and the pathway flows
Down a road that isn't ever ending
She woke to me touching her just hours ago
She is off shopping and doing things
I am out and about and then the
Touching and saying Hi start all over again
Never ending touching and saying Hi

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Poem for her 158

Dear Readers,

The Mirror

Her reflection was there
Standing in the Mirror
Clothes that she was trying on too
Seen by me standing off to one side
In several different angles
I have always said
Love you standing there
Reflecting your bright lights
Back out at me when you stand there
In front of a mirror
Smile at your reflection

So today when she is trying on new things
When she is trying on things I
Picked out for her
I am thinking

Thoughts I have every time I have seen her
Now overwhelming to me as I am happy
She likes the color I picked
She is older today than ever before
As we all are, but today
She is younger than ever before too
Her age is never very old
And never very young
Always fresh only today is counted

Mirrors have a way of slicing time
Out of the frame and placing
Timelessness in it's place
She is brand new today
In the outfit I picked out for her
As we are shopping for the day
And picking out things for later
When we get back to the cabin
And learn the new dance steps
We created for the song we made

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Poem for her 157

Dear Readers,

Story Time

When the night is just starting
I take a minute and clear my mind
Then I tell her a story
It might have Turnips and Daisies
Or butter and crackers in it
There are always something
Odd and fitting
For her at the time
To ease the day away
To slow her day to a smooth flow
Of calming verses
I might reverse thoughts
And sing a bit
Or ask her questions
And flow sideways
The story time is never the same
Never every night
But try as I might
I take any fright
Out of her
I replace it with Hope and Home
Give her something to dream
Long and sure about
Then I tell her
Things that Only she knows
And hug her with the words I use
I flirt about her with sounds
And images of Sweet Nothings
I Love You

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, May 08, 2017

Poem for her 156

Dear Readers,

The Kiss

When was our first kiss
Hand to lips
In a parking lot

When was our last kiss
Text in a note to you
In a letter to you a poem

When will our next kiss be
This afternoon
Mouth to hand then to lips

When we kiss the time on the wall
Stops meaning anything
Things slip our minds to say

When we kiss the decades fade
The days slide away
And all we know is each other

When we kiss the flavor of gum
Might shine a bit
Or the wine or the morning air

When we kiss it's the end of time
And all the flow of self
Merges to be Home

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, May 07, 2017

Poem for her 155

Dear Readers,

Poems from her

She likes to write me poems
Likes to get them just so
Is a perfectionist more so than me
Her every word to me is special
Her sighs are a treasure I hold dear
I dance when I see her letters arrive
I sing softly when I open the page
Her words wrote with care and oh so sweet
I can't really put to words the way
She makes me feel when I see her
Standing anywhere near me
At the sink washing dishes
At the store front waiting for me
At the elevator to travel
Her poems to me held dear
Opened and savored daily

Happy Birthday Babe


Friday, May 05, 2017

Poem for her 154

Dear Readers,

Green Glasses

The Girl Looked at the book just placed in front of her
The Boy put it there but walked on by
The Library was full of students and teachers
The Girl smiled
The book was about gardening and Moss planting
The Boy was looking for more books when a hand tapped him
The book on the shelf beside him just placed there was
Telescopes and Stars, How to look for the things not seen.
They had interplay like this all day long
Till time to leave the library
Their bookbags full of of books they both would like
As that is how The Boy with Blue Glasses and
The Girl with Green Glasses got along
Finding things they both liked but doing it
For each other in a soft dance through libraries
Later the Breakfast tale was told
To The Girl on our porch swing
In the Cabin in the Woods
With One coffee Mug, one spoon and
A Kiwi Cut in half
Being fed to Each Other

Happy Birthday Babe


Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Poem for her 153

Dear Readers,


The sky cracks open and the lights flicker
The poster wonders if the post will send before
His Lights go out, then smiles
Oh yeah he is writing his notes by pen and paper
The Thunder is booming outside as these lines appear
The rain is arriving again, seems May is also a shower month
The flowers are always in her eyes as she smiles
She wrote me a Love Note last night
We talked about it this morning
We talked a lot about it
Then we spoke a few more love notes back and forth
Then one of us went one way and the other another
The scenes where we are of of cold May showers
One day it is hot and summer like then a drift to winter
Swinging back and forth like a rocking porch swing
Kicking back our heels as we watch the rains
Wonder how high the pond will get and hold hands
Watching the Lights flicker in the sky
Safe from the roar of the thunder swinging to our own tune

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Poem for her 152

Dear Readers,

Whoa dudes, up to the high numbers, I guess I could have started these as I have other poem series' but I kinda didn't expect to stop this chain of events, had in my mind a long long set of poems that all tied together to tell my Babe, How much I thought of her and to help brighten her days, even if most of her days were already bright. Though with age every day has it's ups and downs, and as we all know the internet has limits on what all it can store for later look up. But I have gotten to a number that means a bit more to me than just a big number. It holds a lot of meaning for me, The exit number to the area where I live on I-40 is 152 a & b. Just lots of things tied to it. She gets poems spoken to her, written in Emails Written on napkins, written in scrapbooks, every where I can write to her she gets them, plus this more public space. So sit back and enjoy another one, and all the others linked into this series for the Lady of the Garden of Forever and Always.

Kisses and Hugs

Hugs and Kisses repeated in the forward and reversed sign off
Of the day or call or Email Or in a letter or now
A Poem for Her in a note online for all to read
Dances in the dark room, as she is awake
And can't go back to sleep and Try as we might
The sounds of outside enter in and awaken us
So up we get and Dance the night a bit
Lay beside each other making the sore muscles fade
Massages long into the afternoon after to long walks
Things that might be achy because of age
And tummy upset due to many factors
So long Kisses and Hugs every time we meet again
After being away from the other even for a few hours
So, to welcome the other back to each other
They hold us for the minutes of being apart
Even if the day or hours are short
Kisses and Hugs and Hugs and Kisses
I might sign on and off with Love you Babe
Or Cuddles and Tickles and snigglies
I make up words and we discuss the day's events
Then we Try to get back to sleep
So the long day ahead has rest for us ready
But if the night is more sleepless than not
The words of encouragement to each other
Help us be that much more rested in Each other's arms
As we Hug and Kiss
And Kiss and Hug

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, May 01, 2017

Poem for her 151

Dear Readers,


When we get to a new room on a trip
We put our bags down
Then we set some other things aside
Shake out our arms
Do a stretch or two
And interlace hands
And dance a bit in the room
However it is done
It is our own style

When at home we might have a favorite tune
Playing and then stop
And go toward each other
And dance to it, however we do it
It is our own style

When she needs a cheer up
I'll kiss her nose
Hold a hand out
And smile
And bow
And dance a bit where ever it might be
It is a style all our own
Set up in talks before we took
That first step
Off the porch into the garden
Of Forever and Always

Happy Birthday Babe,
