Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poem for her 824

Dear Readers,

The beach walk

There was the sand dunes just over a rise
Suds from t he water coming in lapping our feet
The soft morning light not yet harsh
Breezes over the water salty air
The walk was a first this week
We'd plan one for this evening too
If the sun wasn't so hot as yesterday
The sunrise fresher than the forest
Hardly anything to stop it at water's edge
Cards to while away the afternoon hours
Light sandwiches and a glass of wine
The days were slower here
The waves picked up speed near these rocks
We could hear the gulls asking for fish
The salt on your skin was a nice taste in a kiss
Off to the beach house soon as we turned back
Just a short walk hand in hand till then
Summer glazed off the water's suds splash splash

Happy Birthday Babe,


Friday, July 26, 2019

Poem for her 823

Dear Readers,

Sunday clouds

The beach was cloudy
We'd gone for the early morning walk
We'd sat on the screened porch
Had the eggs and stuff we'd made
Thought a bit
You got the cards
We played the old spades game
One of our favorites
Thought the thoughts
Talked the talks
Said the scores of the past
There was a cloud burst
Rain on the sea shore
The freshness of smells
The day was lazy
We get up
Then we lay down
Sleep the afternoon away
Shh don't wake us

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Poem for her 822

Dear Readers,

Summer heat

The melting of the tree leaves
The sun so bright the winter far off
The pictures of snow needed
We wanted to go north
Hot there too
So we stayed at home
Thought cool thoughts
Made mint teas
Iced deep
Slept late taking advantage of cool
There was the spring house
Still cool even today
There was the rocky cliffs
In shade and chilled
So we do slow things
Stayed as cool as we could
Then one day
They mentioned snow soon on the radio
Was it true
Was it actually snow soon days
We woke from the slumber
There was a frost on window panes

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Poem for her 821

Dear Readers,

That day

There was a summer party going on
I didn't go to the beach much
She spied me from afar ages ago
There I'd be standing just doing
There she'd walk by and look
Then one day in the summer
I said Hi
We chatted while near by
Then off she'd fly
Then one day I wrote her a poem
There were some more conversations
And time passed by
Things talked about
Then one day she said
Happy Birthday in a song style
There as a phone call
Then some sparks flew
Then more
On that day in a parking lot
Kisses her as we dance
Telling her poems with my fingers
All over her again and again

Happy Birthday Babe,
