Thursday, June 30, 2022

Poem for her 944

Moon Deck

The deck we built out back

Up on a hill

Open top

The telescopes were set up

They come out of a shed

They take photos and see things

Both day and night

This night

It was a moon full of light

Yet it was going to be dark

Soon the shadow of earth

Would pass by

Photos we wanted

The video too

She was warming the Cocoa

The cookies and snacks too


Moon glow picnic

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, June 27, 2022

Poem for her 943


Oh the echos that happen in this canyon

Say the word loud clear short

Then listen

They say it back to you

Ringing true yet not so

The summer day was dry

Echos were better

The fog of morning gone

The call was clear

Hello was said I love You

Glad you called the thought

Said to her as she stood next to me

We kissed

The canyon smiled back at us

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Poem for her 942

Key Fob

Sitting in the cup holder

She said

I laughed

Ah the old coffee was here joke

At least we could drive

She said


Push a button

And away we go

Off into the wild blue yonder

Mountain roads

Hillside trails

Swimming holees


Let's go

She said


Happy Birthday Babe,
