Friday, March 31, 2017

Poem for her 112

Dear Readers,


It flows in a faster manner when she and I are together
Though maybe it still flows the same
It is that we are now Together that changes time
Alone time plods on without meaning painful as it moves
And though we might be achy with body aches
While together they are just a hair less
Time slips faster by, when the clock chimes and a hours gone
We marvel at the fact, that it did not seem that long
Togetherness has a whole new meaning
Our conversations travel down winding paths
Starting at one location and ending up
Miles away on a different day
We talk about almost everything
When I get excited about a Topic
She is there to listen, or at times calm me
When something is bugging her I am there to sooth
We Encourage each other in a way that flows
Time seems to just vanish like quicksilver

Happy Birthday Babe


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Poem for her 111

Dear Readers,

Food for Thought, or Tongue in Cheek.

The phone call ending at 4:11 pm
She was off to fix supper
I was off to type a poem
We'd meet back soon
Play a round of game, then some food then
Some other things
Kisses and Hugs and cuddles later
Snack time for Tea
Popcorn her favorite
A small Iceberg Salad mine
Tongue in cheek to taste the sweetness
Tongue in cheek the thought paused
Food for thought
Lots of things here in the layers
Seen but unseen, read but not heard
Things you know about me and her
Things we love to talk about
Our food for thought today
Was reading these poems for her
Kissing each other between readings

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Poem for her 110

Dear Readers,


She sang to me today, music we both knew
Song full of meaning, softly sung
Brought a deep sigh to my breath
Held me close with the verse
Hugged me tightly with her voice
Wanted to savor it for as long as time
Want her to know how she makes me feel
Older I get younger she makes me
To sit watching the breeze blow with her by my side
To stand there seeing the bees roam
Hand in hand as she sings to me a song
Her voice young and shy and oh so awesome

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 109

Dear Readers,

Invisible Elephants

Sucking the fabric off the couch as they jump on it.
Throwing it up in the air like confetti,
I look over at them and laugh at them,
No one else can see them, they are after all invisible.
Though She can see them, they mind her better than me.
She gets them to go find her lost pencils,
Or go get the mail, or at times even to wash some windows
But generally speaking they just jump around on the couch
Sucking the fabric off it, in little bits and
Feeding the dust bunnies
Now you all know where all the dust bunnies come from
It is the invisible elephants on my couch that does it
Right after I send them on trips to far away places
Hands her the pen back that the Invisible elephant found.

Happy Birthday Babe

Thanks for the song, melts.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Poem for her 108

Dear Readers,

108 Ways to kiss Her

There are more than that many ways to kiss her
Am not even going to list the 108 ways today
I will say I kiss her as often as I can
And she kisses me as often as she can
We hardly get anything done some days
Kisses happen when we see each other from across the room
I mentally project my intentions by looking at her
She knows I love to kiss her
I know she loves to kiss me
So much so
That I don't really have to list ways to kiss her
There are so many places to add kissing
Like shopping
Odd row numbers get 2 kisses
Even row numbers get 3 kisses
No row numbers and we may never leave due to kissing so long
So today is all about kissing
But so will tomorrow be about kissing
Kissing Her is a Slice of heaven

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, March 27, 2017

Poem for her 107

Dear Readers,

Knocking on the Door,

Someone knocked on the door,
A package arrived.
In the box was a note
In the box was a small drawing of a Boat,
On the note was a love letter.
To Her.
It said a lot of things,
Some of them made her blush,
Some made her kiss the note.

Someone knocked on the door,
A Letter arrived.
Long long letter with lots of things
Written on several sheets
Each one a different soft color
Each line special.
All of them to Her.

Around a corner I walked
There she stood near those shelves
There she stood
I looked at her far away down the way
I smiled at her
Just smiled at her
She knew what I was thinking
I had just told her minutes before
What this line would be about

She unfolded the Napkin
On it in my hand
Was a Love note to her
She was not with me
But I had managed to send
Her more notes from afar

Just like these ones you folks get to read too
Those ones she gets
Deeper and just as detailed
Sweet Nothings flying about her head
Wherever she goes
I love You
Over and Over

There was a Call she had to take
So I came and wrote
What you are reading now
Hugs to you babe
All the thoughts of the day
Plus some more
Yet to be said

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Poem for her 106

Dear Readers,

Life is....

Singing in the shower while you know they are listening to you,
Porch swings swaying in the brisk summer breeze empty,
Doors just having been shut as someone passed through them,
Foot steps soft on rugs and hardwood floors passing through,
Cabin walls bright in the summer sunshine as a shadow moves,
Hands holding a large towel open for the still wet singer,
Arms wrapping around the towel and the Girl inside,

Life is...


Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Poem for her 105

Dear Readers,

Tea for two

She likes tea
I like tea
We like lots of teas
Growing plants
Selecting ingredients
Sifting potions
While we can't grow the Tea plant
We can grow lots of herbs
And do
So tea for Two
Is what we do
Even if it is only
Out of a common pot
Set on the dashboard
As we drive down the road
Always tea for Two

Happy Birthday Babe


Friday, March 24, 2017

Poem for her 104

Dear Readers,

The Storm

It was dropping rain over there in a field
We could see it as we drove down the road
It was heading in our direction
We would get wet if we did not get home sooner
We drove down our road and into our land
We got in the cabin just as the rain hit
We stayed dry for the 3 days it rained
But we only had the fire and lantern lights
No power or phone or internet
We were okay we had a nice cabin in the woods
We are old and grey and can handle a long stay
But it was fun to see a movie in the city
All those 4 days ago now
Love seeing the latest movie that she likes

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Poem for her 103

Dear Readers,

I love Her

When she smiles at the flowers popping up in the lawn
When I see a new fruit we've never tried and think hey let me get that
When I write a note in the journal or napkin or here
When I am
When she is
When I see her in the garden, on the street, in the car
When I hear her voice
When I dream
When the times of life seem to slip sideways but she is still there
When I am
When she is
When I see the words flow like water in the stream to her

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Poem for her 102

Dear Readers,


Soon as I get into the van the noise starts
It is the ringing of the new engine
Primed to go, get there faster than before
See my girl, get home to see her

Then the other sound happens
Shortly I discover it is
Raining on my van
Pouring down large sheets of drops

Then the shower sound wakes me from my dream
I hear her singing there in the other room
My heart beats faster
My self awareness pulses just a bit

Shortly I will see her again

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Poem for her 101

Dear Readers,

Often Said

It is often said the things I say to her,
Little sweet nothings tossed into the air
Hunting about in her purse to move keys
Falling on her pillow and dancing about

It is often said nighty night kisses
Cuddles and snuggles when the night
Lacks her body next to mine

It is often said
I love you
I want you
I need you

It is often said many things
Told to her that she might
Smile and blush at

Often said
You are Awesome babe

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, March 20, 2017

Poem for her 100

Dear Readers,


The radio had been going all day
Channel surfing as it were
From talk to music not really finding
What I wanted to listen too
Even if I got one that was okay
I'd drive out of range
I wanted to hear something
Something wonderful
But she couldn't call yet
When she does,
Radio powered off
Phone flipped open
Baited breath
I Love You
First words out of my mouth
Days when I travel alone
I can never get enough of her calls
Mainly due to celltower ranges
Or those other factors
But when I am away from her
I need her more and more
As the hours expand
Being away from her
So I love the time we get to chat
Love going back toward her
Love hearing her soft voice
Saying the things it does
Right after that welcome home kiss
Which can take a while
That long welcome home kiss

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 99

Dear Readers,

Wow 99 poems, almost that other number too, then on and on. She gets them in person a lot too, so I only share some of my thoughts here, there are others of a more private nature, and even ones that could go here as they are tied into ones already here, but they likely won't be shared to soon. Lots of thoughts heading in her direction all day long, though I have missed posting to the blog itself a time or two, she was getting love notes, and conversations still, as we were traveling and or didn't have internet.

Back When

Back when I first met you
I don't remember the date
Barely remember the month
But we kept seeing each other
In a place
In that place of many spaces
Lots of faces
Just another set of people in the crowds
We'd stand and chat
Then chat some more
Till we started
Thinking of being there for
Chance meetings and greetings
Over the course of time
You asked for a Poem
Thoughts of changes already there
Seeking something more
Hoping for a sign of sparks
We both sought a bit more
You sang me happy birthday wishes
I wrote you a poem
Then something caught fire
Though we'd been smouldering for a while
There was smoke in the wind
We aren't sure when
The embers started
Likely when
I said Hi

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Poem for her 98

Dear Readers,

Evening Meal

We were walking in the woods
One day
Then thought
Hey what If?
Then we left our trek
Off to a shop
Bought some things
Took them back to our place
Had an evening meal

We were walking in the woods
One day
Then thought
Hey What If?
Yes I know you think I am just repeating myself
No she intoned from her chair
I think you'll surprise me
I did

We had eggs with bacon and
Other neat things
For that evening Meal

Though Breakfast is her most favorite
I am always thinking about
Her and breakfast
Even at the
Evening Meal

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Poem for her 97

Dear Readers,

Things to think about.

When she smiles at me I tend toward melting.
When she walks into the room, I look at her.
Looking at her all the time makes her smile.
Holding her hands when I can.
Helping her do chores is fun.
Planning the next meal is cool.
Playing new games, or creating new rules for old ones.
Always touching each other's dreams.

When she looks in the mirror, she hears my whisper.
I tell her often enough what I could be saying.
From a list of things to encourage her, during her day.

When we food shop we go into the sections where,
Interesting food might lurk, but we like old standbys
And new flavors, trying something new often enough,
To make our days seem like discovery vacations.

When she wears my shirt to paint in.
When she gets paint on that shirt.
When we draw on that shirt.
When we giggle about how we just made art together.
When we go get another shirt to do it all over again.
When we add them to the pile of artful shirts to do chores in.
When I smile about all the things she says to me.

Lots of things more to think about.
Lots of memories to cherish.
Lots of long cuddles to hold on too.
Lots of smiles in the mirror.

Happy Birthday Babe,


Friday, March 17, 2017

Poem for her 96

Dear Readers,

Monday Mornings on a Friday

You know it is odd when you wake up early
Then you think it's got to be a mistake
Today isn't monday Morning, but it is like that song
Manic mondays
What makes your head a little weak
Just gets worse and worse
The pillow wasn't there
The bed wasn't yours
The day wasn't the way you dreamed it
All blissful and calm in a cabin
But there we were not at home
Having to be elsewhere
Dealing with Backache inducing things

So after a bit of reflection
In a plate glass window
We stood and held hands
Thinking it wasn't as bad as it seemed
Stood and talked about the day
Calmed down a bit more
Talked a bit more
Agreed it was really only Friday
We'd still have the afternoon to buy one more box
Of Pick up sticks
We'd buy the paint ourselves
Glow in the dark, fourteen only

Friday's aren't always as bad as they could be
It's just that this Monday the Friday was confused
It woke up in a strange place
And had to have it's Cell Phone friend replaced
So it's still not on the right day
But it does have something
It sees that You and I are still hugging
In front of the fireplace
Playing cribbage
And snuggling with our flannel PJ's
The ones we made today
While talking on the new Cell Phone in a parking lot

Hugs and kisses and long gazes in a mirror
Steady voice as I cheer you on

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Poem for her 95

Dear Readers,

93 Million

About as many miles away the sun is on average
About as many miles away it seems she is at times
About as many miles I'd drive to be with her
A few less than the number of Kisses I'd want to place on her lips
A few less than the number of hugs I'd give her
A few less than the number of words I'd write her
A few less than the number of years I want to spend with her

Such a big number at times,
It still seems small compared with
How much I know she loves me
As I have Kissed her a lot,
Hugged her a lot
And Know the passion she has in her

So when you use big numbers to explain things
Use them with Gusto
Tell the world
How much someone means to you
Because that someone is worth every single digit

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Poem for her 94

Dear Readers,

Her Voice

Soothes me when I need cheering up.
Strengthens me when I need it.
Touches my ears when I call her.
Calms me in the night.
Sings to me in the shower.
Tells me about the flowers we grew.
Whispers to me over a glass of wine.
Says the words, I Love You
Slows my heart beat, or speeds it up.
Is there in the morning.
Is there in the evening.
Means so much to me.
Is Love.

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Poem for her 93

Dear Readers,

Pizza Oven

Out by the side of the cabin
Patterned after the back yard in the city
Is a deck space
Old world brick bread oven
Some people would bake pizzas there
We use it as an outdoor meal making place
At the cabin it has a roof over it so we can bake out
Any time of year or weather
It provides it's own heating
Seating on what looks like park benches
Movable tables so as to give any sized person
Ease of eating,
They store out of the weather when not needed
The snows of winter cover the ground
The pizza oven might be in use or not
But the fire is always ready
Food right there
One log burning away

Happy Birthday Babe,


Monday, March 13, 2017

Poem for her 92

Dear Readers,

Snows and cabins

Stocked up on pillows
Socks, and silk P J's
We have it all ready for those
Snow storms of spring
She has our cabin organized
No clutter, great job babe
Less to put away
Less to clean
More time doing things
Like Drawing lips, hands and castles
Playing cards till the cocoa gets drank
Playing cribbage till the cards want a rest
Resting under the covers by the fire
Watching the snows fall
Out the cabin windows
All our time spent

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Poem for her 91

Dear Readers,


Don't need them, but do use them
She doesn't like them to make a noise
I don't like them any more than she does
We'd both rather to have only a sun dial as time keeper
I want to be able to do without one altogether
But am not sure that is possible
So all the clocks we have are not noisy
Right now they are attached to computers or cellphones
But when we can, off they go to a dust bin
No clocks, no telling someone what time it is
I stopped wearing one a long bit ago
I want to spend all time with her anyway
Why need the clock to tell me things
I already know she is always and forever

Happy Birthday Babe,


Friday, March 10, 2017

Poem for her 90

Dear Readers,

Morning Kiss

Trips can be odd things
Not where you are used to
Going places you might or might not have been before
But that morning Kiss
Can wash away all the out of place feelings
Those lips on yours, taking your breath away
Pushing all the sleep out of your head
Washing you with love and their caring touch
Morning Kisses make the day so much better
Morning Kisses are wonderful

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, March 09, 2017

Poem for her 89

Dear Readers,

Fingernails on Skin

I like her fingernails on my skin
Where ever her mind wants her hands to roam
My long hair is always tickling my back
Her fingernails there scratching the tickles
Not away, but more like brushing them in
Painting on my skin as if I were her art

Her fingernails on my skin
A study in art work
Lovingly drawn tracings of thoughts
Full of her passion's fire
Full of her Passion's fire

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 88

Dear Readers,

Picnic at the Picnic

There we were
At the annual Picnic
Every year the same place
The same people
The same foods
Just like normal

Yet when you read those past six lines
You'd have your own mental image
But what about "The Picnic"
What does it see
In it's Mind's eye?

Picnics happen every day
For the two of us
I am oft times thinking
What would this Picnic think about,
The Food
The Drink
The weather

So I asked today's Picnic
How did you like..?
"She is prefect!" The Picnic said
Even before I could finish asking
The Picnic was right.

Happy Birthday Babe


Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Poem for her 87

Dear Readers,


The sun kissed the room with a bit of fire
But the fire had already been in the room
It had arrived, long before the sun had
The fire was there the moment she walked in the door
Consuming my lips mere seconds later
As she kissed me with long held passion

She contained her passion for kissing me
For a while, then let it rush forward
In flames of hot embers
Kissing me with the long held Passion

This time she'd held on for a while
It had seemed like forever
The fire could only be contained so long
Next we'll shoot for a whole minute without kissing

Happy Birthday Babe,

I still think a minute is to long to go without her lips, but that is just me.


Poem for her 86

Dear Readers,

Elder Berry Wine

Her plate had a blank spot on it
It was after she picked up the cracker
It was after she put a bit of cheese on a cracker
It was after I handed her the cheese
It was after I sliced cheese off the block
It was after I gazed at her
It was after I kissed her
It was after I smiled at her
It was after she drank
It was after I poured
It was after she opened the bottle
It was after I showed her
The elder berry Liqueur

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Poem for her 85

Dear Readers,

Rest Stops

Sit at a picnic table
Sit on a porch swing
Sit with your babe

Table for two in a fine diner
Table by the window
Table on the deck
Her always there

Traveling is always better when she is there
Sitting is always better when she is there
Meals are always better with her there
She being there is always better

Even driving in the rain
Always better with her there
But rest stops on any trip have to be made
So we pause for an over night

Happy Birthday Babe


Monday, March 06, 2017

Poem for her 84

Dear Readers,


Seems that no matter how much you plan
Suddenly your lane isn't moving
Jack knifed
Truck on the construction barrier
Phone some folks, tell them the barbque will get there
Just not as soon as planned
As to the cook
We'll be fine
Oh and the Babe
Yeah she'll be fine too
Sitting there beside me
Doing anagrams
With cards
And singing to the tape deck
We'll be fine
Hey babe
I pick mango and cheese

Happy Birthday Babe,


Sunday, March 05, 2017

Poem for her 83

Dear Readers,

Late night card games

We both wake about the same time
Can't go back to sleep
Out come the cards and cribbage board
Though we might just play war
Or a round of our gin rummy game to ten thousand
The cards have big numbers on them
We don't want to have to put glasses on
We might play a while
Get tired and sleep till noon
Have a light brunch
Light supper later
Go for a midnight star party
Roast marshmallows on a bonfire
Or just turn in early
And repeat the same day
Over again
Without a care to the clock
Late night card games
Into the early dawn
Off to sleep the day away

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, March 04, 2017

Poem for her 82

Dear Readers,


We love picnics
I try to introduce something new to her
Often as I can
Some fruit
Some cheese
Something from my travels
She likes to surprise me with something
She's seen or knows about
She's the wine expert of the two of us
She likely smiles when she reads that line
She'd giggle and laugh and say something to me
But we love picnics
Not a lot of food all at once
Less a meal
More a sampling of things
A date with dates as it might be called
Once in a while only fruit and cheese
Or wine in small amounts with fruit
Anything really
All of them a special occasion
All of them once in a lifetime
All of them together
Picnics together the flavor of life

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 81

Dear Readers,

Modern world meets cabin in woods.

Without a phone She and I couldn't talk easy
But in yesteryear I'd have sent her a telegraph
She could have seen the once a month mail delivery by coach
Today if she travels I can send her an Email
Or she can read this blog or post here too
The cabin in the woods doesn't have a TV
But does have a phone
Smoke signals to our friends and family in the City
I'd want to be just us in the nowhere of the woods
But we would still have a mail box somewhere for things
Like notes and cards and stuff
We do art work with pin and ink
Pencil and paper things we don't make
So the Modern world is still there
But the cabin in the woods we don't have a clock on the wall
Off to the doctors we go at a set time
But we don't wake to given hour unless we want to
We like the Modern world
But Love the cabin in the woods

Happy Birthday Babe,


Friday, March 03, 2017

Poem for her 80

Dear Readers,

Porch Times

Distant chimes sound on the porch
The wind blows them and the rain wets them
The porch swing sways if the wind picks up
She loves to swing on the moving bench
I love to watch swing there
I also love to join her
We like the porch swing
At the house in the city there is one too
Out back under a canopy
Swinging back and forth
Breezes blow, the birds sing, and flowers hum
We like to kiss often on the porch swing
Feet swaying eyes closed and lips touching
Even in winter when it might snow
Covered up and out for a bit
Fall is her season of choice
Warm but cooling off a great time to swing
Spending time on the porch together

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, March 02, 2017

Poem for her 79

Dear Readers,


Her headache is almost gone
She is sitting up on the Sofa in the living room
Smile showing from time to time on her face
Especially when one of her played cards wins
But even if it doesn't she is looking happier
Than she did early this morning
Hot tea, Warm meals
Lots of back and shoulder rubs
Can sooth most things the medicines can't
The fire glow brightens
She decides to roast marshmallows
Toasted ones eaten between fingers
Toasted ones eaten on white chocolate and grahams
We made the white chocolate ourselves a while back
Her smile brightens the room
Her smile heightens my joy
Her smile is something I treasure

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 78

Dear Readers,


She lays there snuggled to a pile of pillows
Cuddled in close to Pillow
As I sit there watching her rest
Hoping her headache has lessened
She rolls over and looks at me
Hair down over her eyes
Eyes visible but not
I ask her softly if she is better
She nods her head
To her I bring a Hot tea poured fresh
From a thermos bottle that kept it warm
I brush her hair out of her eyes
I kiss her nose
Whisper love notes to her
Head ache is for the most part gone
Tender care over the years
Time told ways to care
For her there
In Our place wherever it is
House in the city,
Or cabin in the woods
Together Cuddled Close

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 77

Dear Readers,


She wakes with a headache
Coffee and toast with a side of medicine
Long neck rubs
More pillows around her
Adjust the temperature in the room
Put some soft music on, or not
Prep a lunch that is filling but light too
Watch her rest
Join her for a cuddle
Rub her back
Tell her a soft story
To get her to go back to sleep
Stay there as she rests
Pray her headache goes away
Write her a poem or two
Keep her comfortable and
Love her with care

Happy Birthday Babe,


Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Poem for her 76

Dear Readers,


The world sees spring time in different ways
Robins show up here, and spring plants start to grow
The daffodils are out and the parsley is up
The rains come and the last bits of snow falls
Trips are taken, presents given, scrap books started
The winter things put away for another year
Soon more picnics outside
Soon cuddling on the porch swing
Cooking outside a bit more now as the days heat up
Spring time when things get green from the sleep of winter
Soon the irises will peek out just a bit more
One last snow fall to get to last bits of winter gone
Then off to the spring flower shows
The gardening shows and what to plant
Planning where to go for the next
Long cuddle after a spring walk
Her in my arms in my thoughts
Springtime together again

Happy Birthday Babe,


Poem for her 75

Dear Readers,

Afternoon Naps

As the title says naps in the afternoon
But they might be mid morning naps too
Or naps in early evening
Whenever the nap happens it happens
We like to lay down on the bed and cuddle and nap
But it might be on a picnic blanket out under the trees
Or in the living room in front of the fire
Or on our way somewhere stopped at a hotel
Wherever the nap is we try to spend its time together
Dozing on into the minutes of sleep but
Waking up to do something else
Just a bit later
Cuddled close with her in my arms
Any time of the day
Is an Afternoon nap

Happy Birthday Babe
