The day in the life of........... Bob..... Tom..... and this new guy named ..Dude, what's with your hair?
Dear Readers, Story time......
Dude what is with your hair the Janitor said?
Oh that, it is the fritzies today, I hate muggy mondays, they just hate me too, can't brush it, can't dampen it, after all that is only more moisture... so I just light it on fire and let it flame for a while, takes about 3 hours for the fires to go out and then the hair is relaxed and I am not so aggggggee tat a tat a tat a tat ed ed ed.. and can talk again too..
The Janitor, was this old old dude that just hung around the hallways of the school like it was his business to clean up every mess, every slip of the floor tiles due to shiny things falling out of the sky or even the odd bit of strange star stuff that would be wheeled into the arena to be poured over by 1,000's of worker bots and drones and then the antlike Ant-miners ( not only were they 18 legged but also at times just as deft at looking totally Earthlike ants that Bob said they were the Old Fire Ant miners of Tracius Four.
The school was a center piece of the Whole Galactic Federation's 14 stringer Arms and tentadrils spanning an area of close to 3,000,000,000 light years at it's longest length edge, and then the thin sections of only 4,500,000 light years where the thin arms of stringers were and the dark areas they were still linking into the voids of the darkness, finding things that the old old old ones only thought were filled with dark matter they called it.
The Janitor almost got lost in thought when the fire broke out, it seemed a load tray of Live Meal worms heading to a friend of his in a far away place was being chased by this larger creature screaming Cluck Cluck cluck.. and the meal Worms fearing for thier lives, started up their plasma cannons and the hallway between the Confernce on Ant Larva early education and the need to understand the wants of Moklermimes and the .... oh his light Saber was on and the cCluck was stopped dead i it's tracks, but still loudly clucking and Tom had the plasma cannon offline with one fell slice and the FireAntAngels were foooozzzsshhhing the bits of fire melting the hall's walls,,,,,, sizzzles whoosh,, the fume hoods took thesmoke scents of burnt things away and a soft floral smell was shuffled into the area and cool breezes were wafting in.
The Janitor, looked at the Big Clucking thing and Asked with his mind softly at the edges,, Are you okay? It gave a deep feather fluffer and sat down in place.. and it's mind sniffled a bit,, he took, me wormie away.. was the thought given.
Then the creature seemed to shrink in size and was about the same as a normal Garden Chicken not a raging thing, and then her eyes blinked and her voice said,,, Oh I hate that when I turn into a raving meal worm killer... Sorry was her last words as she fell asleep in her spot...
The Janitor, put up a No-wake this person zonal alert sign and directed some young Fire Ant Jedi to sit and watch for her to awaken again.
Bob looked over at the dude with the flames for hair, and motioned to the scene just seen, You have days like that don't you? Yes the flaming hair nodded. Yes I do. Glad I am controled by muse and donuts though he said as a fizzled donut torched a bit as it passed his lips.
Line break of the first of a series of stories about the Janitor....
I thought of this themed story a few days ago,, the other thinking stream was the Janitor's retirement and then I also have a storyline about the PResident of the 3 Galaxies Federation that looks like a dude in shorts ( Oh right okay he looks a lot like me,, but you know ).. that is visiting Earth on a "Hi there welcome to neighborhood mission to get the warring factions on Earth to be a bit more peaceful, but that the Federation, is going to be installing monitors on Earth to help them get aware of the FEderation of concerned planets that spans the 3 nearest galaxies and that earth is smack dap in the middle of it,, there was a trigger..... okay I digress, getting to far out the head to paper is not my habit... keeps my secret stories secret for a while longer....
This the Flaming hair dude and the chicken were inspired by my flaming itching hot and rip the skin off legs as I came into the house to get benidril to put the fires out, I don't take it often, just when the feelings flare to the point that I am thinking I am standing in a lake of burnt he skin off fire, and rip my hair out thoughts... I don't think I'd really want to be in Hell, everyone seems to have this notion that it will be cool and calm and game like,, but I have this feeling they'd jump away from the fire like facts faster than if they were filled with any of their major fears. and then felt the world pushing them toward them....
Which reminds me I was in this place that was a night mare world, First time I have had a night mare in a while, so I was out hunting the nightmare makers too, in the mental arenas... But comeing in the house made a bee line to my bathroom. The torn apart box that I crushed in a rage the other day, and tore off a tab sheet pill with out thinking about it mush and headed back to the kitchen singing about the pill talking about me eating it, and pop the pill drink the perrier, even if warm and a bit flat.
Then I told myself the body was dead from my nose down, and I also turned off the left arm , having to tell myself I was dead from the nose down, then when I got the ice tray out to put ice into a glass of things to drink,, that I was up to my nose in black acid and I had to help someone else, and I closed my eyes and turned my head back to float in the acid and roll my eyes into my lower skull, and seek the blackness.... about a 20 second count the fire itch was under enough mental control to get a few things done and then the story flashed and I came here to unload this and that here...
Life in the day of Charles,, but re titled to a story.... waves to the readers.
Hugs to my friends family and all those new folks.. I am not dead honest, just filled with a lot of things to do, so cheers.
May the Peace of Christ that passes all understanding be yours one and all.
Charles.... aka The Janitor,,, an old old old old dude, future past...