Friday, January 31, 2020

Poem for her 855

Dear Readers,


Deck has a dance floor on it
We dance the night away
Sunday morning bright an early
Sing a song go into town
Sing with some friends
Have a lunch down by the river
Make some sketches over by the mill
Take some pictures in the library
Dance when we get home
Have some tea
Snooze by the fire
Slow Sunday
Even slower Monday
Snowed in for the week

Happy Birthday Babe,


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Poem for her 854

Dear Readers,

Sunshine and breakfast

She sat there her smile my sunshine
Her laughter at my joke my sunshine

We had planned breakfast this morning
Two days ago as we had to buy stuff

There was the folded together fruit
Splashes of cream cheese and sweets

The eggs we had a bit of from hens
That lived a few homesteads away

The cabin was warm outside was cold
The fireplace alight with old wood

Those trees that were cut for timber
Yet these logs branches not sold

Down the road to town a small mill
I was there often to get craving wood

The art projects were many this year
Breakfast was wonder with my sunshine

Happy Birthday Babe,


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Poem for her 853

Dear Readers,

Tuesday the 3rd of June

The day was like any other
Flowers flowing from her fingers
Every thing she touched bloomed
The wonders of her smile
The shiny light of her gaze
She was awesome sitting
Or standing
Or doing nothing
Just with her eyes closed
Thinking the thoughts
Whichever ones they were
Whenever she thought them
I knew her radiance
I gazed at it often
I thought about it often
Even when she was over there
Further than my touch
Further than my sight line
Over there awesomely made
Awesome just being

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Poem for her 852

Dear Readers,


The day was a bit cold
The snow just starting
The deck was chilled
The porch stove was heated
There was a pile of art inside
Lists of events in town
We could have done a lot
Yet was that a pillow I saw
The day was warm inside
The tea from breakfast cooling
The time to move or not
You looked at me
I looked at you
We wandered back to bed
Comfort in the sheets
Fireplace alight
Logs burning bright
Ah it's saturday
Just sleep in again

Happy Birthday Babe,


Saturday, January 04, 2020

Poem for her 851

Dear Readers,

Sights and Sounds

Soft breath intake
The lips so close
The felt like feel of skin
There the brush strokes
Paint on the tip
Lips hard to draw
So many details I see
There so close
I touch the canvas
The sound of breathing
I pause to get my bearings
I look again
There the fine edges
I kiss her
The paints dry
Another painting
Another kiss

Happy Birthday Babe,
