Thursday, July 06, 2017

Poem for her 224

Dear Readers,

Six months of happy birthday wishes is a milestone for us, but slides into a pattern of thinking that has been something I was able to do, due to her being there. She encouraged me in all of my writings.

Ankles in hand

The feet in my hands are just there resting
On me as I sit cross from her
Her task at hand is varied
First time I touched them she was
Resting there on her stomach
The next time it was during a picnic
The next time while sitting facing each other
...her on a computer and me too
She smiles when I tell her about them
The lines the textures the skin tone
Alabaster and hard and formed of stone
And beating pulse of blood flow
Hot due to my hands on her
Hotter still due to the fact that
My hands are on her today
Hotter still as I get to say

Happy Birthday Babe,



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