Sunday, June 11, 2017

Poem for her 198

Dear Readers,

Her Touch too,

She sits there hands laced in my hands
...I can't think of anything to say mind is off in another world
...where only she is and I am
...where the cares of the other outside the two of us isn't
...anything to worry about.

She touches my shoulder while we slow dance
...and we invent dance steps that just
...are things that we made up today
...there isn't even any music playing
...just her hands on my shoulder and eyes looking at her.

She touches my shoulder in that spot
...That itched just a while ago and I
...directed her to it and now
...all I want to have is her there
...touching me till the sun sets and
...the moon rises and the stars blink out.

She smiles at me as she cuts the toast
...her voice is playful telling me
...I should eat the breakfast I just made
...and put the video camera away and
...get some food in me as she forks the
...toast and egg and other things
...up to my lips and smiles as
...on the video you hear me chewing
...and her giggling about it all.

She stands there and the cape is on and
...she touches me and tells me that she
...wants to hold me close and kiss me long
...she dances a few steps and turns
...she pulls me close to her frame and
...she touches me with lips and fingers
...and I melt one more time
...And I melt one more time.

Happy Birthday Babe,



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