Monday, June 05, 2017

Poem for her 191

Dear Readers,

Clocks talk

The time was just slightly off
The feel was just wrong
The wall one intoned that other number
The microwave had a different number
And the one of the stove so far out of round
I just had to fix them all
But then the time what was the time
There it was on the phone
Via a time number
The dialed number ingrained in my head
Since I first got here to this new Place
No not this house but this state of awareness
I was a kid still in all the ways they say
But I was not a kid I acted More
I was more than just a kid
I was a Big Brother, First of the pair
I was a big kid as they said all those years ago
I was husky, or fat or just not standing up
Straight, Stand up straight my mom intoned
My dad didn't say that part, he handed me
The broken pile of the clock parts and said
Think we can fix it, or to a more correct line
I'd see him with the pile and sit down and just
Help him sort the bits out and fit the piles
Till the table had several totally fixed things
And ordered piles of other things and both
Us smiling and talking about something.
The clocks were are my zero Hour's minute
52 after the hour of 3 am just there sorta not
Though one of them was when I walked into the
Awareness slice of time just turning over to
That number and I said the thought
Happy Birthday to you Charles
But it is not my birthday just a number
52 weeks in the year, but not right or correct as
The weeks are even but hanging over days
52 cards in the deck but a set of other cards
Jokers and fluff and adverts and handy rules
The time on the 3 clock and my cellphone
All read the same at least sorta kinda
As you can't get them all into a sync
The sink in the kitchen has dishes in it
The dishwasher is filling with dirty ones too
But that is not the point I am not in Sink
Nor am I in sync with the clocks on the walls
I have lots of them they all read slightly off
From the ones on the wherever they just
Slightly aren't all rounded out to an even
52 minutes after Midnight but how many seconds
I want seconds dad I want seconds of time
I want a second chance I want just a bare
Second of your time to let you read some lines
Hi there dear readers, You thought today was
About her did you? Well you are correct but not
It is all about her, this whole line on line
Is about her as I was awake thinking of her
Was dreaming of her, was aware that if I was
Awake so was she, even though right this second
I can not know for sure if she is or not
As well I am aware in the being that she is
Aware in her being that I am here and she there
But is she literally awake right this ... second?
Only God knows that and later she will juggle the
Time stamp of the post with her time zone, well
The clocks talked at a time, it was 3:51 not
52 minutes after that the time number said it was
But I learned of that number in 1977 when
My dad was going to retire from the Air Force
I had been all over the world
I was vastly aware of things far and wide
I am me, always awake like more than most
I am having a fun day with Her
I am with her in my soul down to the Quantum
I and her linked in ways only the Heavenly host
The Holy Spirit says I can do that Ask me, Pick me
I can do that, nothing you have to ask is impossible
I The Holy Spirit am given to you for the
Peace of Christ that Passes all understanding
For our hearts and minds to the wide world
This I Charles Edward Owens Jr, give you all
This Monday the 5th of forever the Peace of Christ
And to those that read here because of Her
I give this to you most times we talk
And to Her I give that and all of me too.

Happy Birthday Babe,



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