Saturday, April 06, 2019

Poem for her 794

Dear Readers,


The days are so long you forget the day
The screams of back up tones, or are those
.....God's way of making us look arounds
.....yet for you and me when trying to rest
.....the same noise to annoy and frustrate
.....which is kinsa sorts um kinda the same
You walk into a space and in fire dark red
...I think, oh that isn't her then you have
...point out the new togs, the wings, shoes
...and scraf you got on fire side sale of the
...week where you did a happy dance and BOOOM!
The day the snow was so deep we couldn't get
....cabin for a week, so the project was put
....on Ice as it were so box'f inside undone
....small idea projects were opened for thought
....I know one day all we did was candle drip
....our own oil funnel cones for free gifts to
....all our friends that were car mech-heads
The days are ticking down to a day of slice of
..time to kiss a butterfly section of slice have an olive, and this bit of fungi
..cheese with a sip of Bristol Cream or
..will it be the 30 year old auslese with
..the candied kumquats and bacon?

Happy Birthday Babe,



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