Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Poem for her 481

Dear Readers,

Malt shakes

The beer was right there but I was after malt
The powder fine in bags and sticky sweet smell
The milk was a fine powder too I wanted more
The drink was going to be cool and thick
The shake a bit of cold cold ice cream and
Mixtures of things and then the two above
Then chilled to re thicken and served
It was an experiment and it would be eaten
Then we'd make it again to work out details
The way to that prefect taste is to try
Then if you get it, to remember how it went
The smile on your face said many things
You have always liked my cooking and I can see
You smile now as to those things I have made
That you said the words about already
I love to cook for you it is a sweet pleasure
I love watching you nibble and taste
I love you babe

Happy Birthday Babe,



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