Thursday, January 26, 2017

Poem for her 26

Dear Readers,

Road Trips

We wanted to see the states, so off we went
Road trips, to and fore, stay here a while
Go there a while, off to the wild blue yonder
Drive a bit, stay a bit, walk a bit, picnic a lot
Camping in nice bed and breakfasts around the places
People would ask, Are you folks on vacation?
Just traveling the by ways and roads of the nation
We didn't do it all in one year, just a bit here and there
Snap shots of this and that and scrap book of the places
This is a life long project, sunny times different climes
Never long trips back roads up and down, places to go
Still live at odd places over the years this house
Or the cabin in the woods, the boat we liked so much
Road trips, life long projects, history not yet written
Thought about, wished for, planned for, see us on the way.

Happy Birthday Babe,



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