Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Poem for her 695

Dear Readers,

The grove

The cabin in the woods has a lot of features
Times and seasons change though
The trees in the forest are a mixed bag
We planted fruit and nuts and things
The little grove over there by somewhere
Is the place the old christmas trees go
They grow cause we like live trees
Ones that in soil stay alive
Then lightly decorated travel out
And get tended toward the Grove
Some taller than others species a bit mixed
The dogwoods that hide there and the pear
There in the fruit sections the plants glow
The fall colors fading as the winter hugs in
The warm bathroom so when the shower flows tis nice
Smells of the wood walls and the trees
The hint of spices and the mint tea
Then some mornings the smell of cheese and eggs
The Mei Fun in the big bowl we eat out of together
There the trees have scrap book pages where they
Get brought in, journey a time and get set out
The days the grove increases always sunny
Even if the clouds shower a bit sunshine dances
In my finger tips as she looks out the windows

Happy Birthday Babe,



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