Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Poem for her 393

Dear Readers,

Color on a brush

The Paint chip in your hand was faded
The days long ago when the event happened
The new color for that room you had done
In a fresh paint all your own brushed slow
The days we'd talked about it many
The days since than many still more
Today that faded paint chip color still handy
You and I on a new project want to paint
The newest room at the cabin in the woods yard
A spring area with uses but outside the main
Over here by the spring house where water flows
Slowly by in a small creek we stoned in
I little art project room for summer and fall
The fire pit in the center only used in winter
Covered with a table top in the other months
The walls still freshly primed but waiting
For you to pick the final color you want
We have our painting togs on and brushes ready

Happy Birthday Babe,



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