Thursday, January 03, 2019

Poem for her 736

Dear Readers,

The folded shirt

There it sat on the table
Whose clothe covering was green
It was a nice shirt
Green with fine stripes
Thin lines some darker
Some lighter
There it sat folded
But not folded
The edges were open
The buttons unhooked
The sleeves short
Skin soft as the fabric sat there
Wanting to have her in it
Wanting her skin to touch
The table clothe whispered
I'd like to have her near me too
Are they coming back to us soon
The door frame whispered
They said after a short trip
Might have been to town a plate said
Eggs and milk and something about more tea
The tea kettle clattered a long yes
They'd be home soon
To touch all the things
They did when in the cabin
The shirt smiled
And the table clothe too

Happy Birthday Babe



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