Saturday, November 25, 2017

Poem for her 359

Dear Readers,

The Sound

Of your sigh when you think
The laugh you make when you laugh
The giggles that you give me
The little looks that are on video
The sway of you side to side when you dance
Your soft intake of breath
There are so many little sounds
That just go on that I love them all
You might not notice them yourself
But having watched in my mind's eye
And on the camera screen the scenes
You are full of small wonderments that I love
I love you, I love you, I love you
Soul of my Soul
The sound of the night whisper
The sound of your feet wiggling
The sound of you sleeping
When I see you arrive even on screen
I am hearing many layers of you
And I love them all, You are Awesome

Happy Birthday Babe,



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