Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sun Valley Goes Dark

Dear Readers,

As stated on my tweeter feed, and the thoughts of what billionaires should or shouldn't do with those trillions of yeast cells they have in those big beer vats, and all the rest of the multiverses of my story lines. I introduce you to yet another of the series of stories under the Thread " Alternative Universes of Charl dan Ur"

Charles Danner as he is know in most of the stories found on this blog, or a few other names in the non published section of my writings. This story takes place in a universe that looks a lot like our own, but the subtle changes you will see later. There is curtain events and the Names of the Live right now people will be so noted with only the first letter ala Edgar Allen Poe. C R is that dude who had a talk sit down one on one and yada yada... T is several people from a Potus to a guy Named Turnip that kills people for a living and works as a henchman for the world crime Org, The son's of Dark. see Title for more thoughts on that.

The series of short news reports and or letters or phone calls that this story will be told in will follow in the social Media like format of out sound bite world today.

They will be listed in the title box as .............. Sounds Of Dark and Sun # something the numbers will not start with 1 and they might be mixed up, as you all don't know all the story,, for that matter I don't either, I create on the fly, making it up as I go along, in a form of stand up story flipping page turners, that help keep my speech Impediment in check, I trained myself to be a verbal story teller. Writing it down was even harder, but as readers of my blog know, I write a lot.

Thanks for visiting, we will get the next bit out soon.

May You all have the Peace of Christ,



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